Beauty Counter Spotlight // Leather Care

Beauty Counter Spotlight // Leather Care

Beauty Counter Spotlight 2
I have this weird obsession with meticulously caring for my leather goods. In fact, just saying the term “leather goods”  gives me a tiny shiver of pleasure. I talk a lot about buying quality things (namely leather, not faux) whenever I can, and a part of that is maintenance.

Give your boots one slushy, snowy winter in NYC, and they’d be in your trash pile come April. In comes a small brigade of products that you can use to give protect and nurture your bags, boots, flats, etc. for another season.

I use Scotchgard as soon as a new pair of shoes comes out of the box, to ensure they are water and oil resistant. I use another shoe lotion to moisturize when the leather loses its’ luster. Suede can be notoriously tricky to care for, but many products come with a brush so you can gently loosen dirt and then clean the surface.

All you need is a soft cloth, the right products, and your beautiful leather items will age on beautifully, without the gross city stains you’d care to forget.

If you want to read more, Into the Gloss published a great article with more products right this way.